Emma Bateman vs the Green Party et al
Greens back in court, claimant alleges discrimination based on gender critical views
Emma Bateman has been expelled from the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) three times. She claims this is because of her gender critical beliefs and is seeking redress in the courts.
Bateman, previous co-chair of Green Party Women and signatory to the Green Women’s Declaration and Women’s Declaration International, began legal action after being suspended for questioning gender ideology in the GPEW.
Bateman asserts that women in all political parties on the left have seen gender identity burn through the history, language and material reality of their lives and been pressured to accept that 'trans women are women'. Straightforward expressions of belief like 'males are not female' and 'people can't change sex' are held by the Green Party complaints system into 'transphobic', 'reprehensible,' 'bigoted' human rights violations. Safe spaces are patrolled to ensure they are kept free from all dissenting opinion.
Emma Bateman’s Crowdfunder Here
Current Status
Bateman will be in court (London County Court, Thomas More Building at the Royal Courts of Justice) on 12 February 2025. It will be a procedural hearing, the Green Party has applied to strike out certain parts of her claim.
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