Martin Tarling AKA Abbi Taylor v Crown Prosecution Service
Man who identifies as a woman accused of dumping soiled nappies at UK nurseries
Martin Tarling, 45, also referred to as Abbi Taylor on court listings, has been accused of dumping soiled nappies and smearing toddler’s milk bottles with human excrement at nurseries in South Tyneside; an area in the North East of England.
On 22nd Dec 2023, at South Tyneside Magistrates Court, Tarling was accused of a total of nine charges between October 2022 and November 2023 which include:
1-4 - 4 counts of dumping nappies filled with human excrement
5 - Stealing clinical waste bags from a local nursery business
6 - Breaching a criminal behaviour order imposed by Nottinghamshire Magistrates’ Court in April 2023, by being within 10 metres of a nursery without reasonable excuse, and/or “by removing items from a waste receptacle in direct contravention of said order”
7 - Outraging public decency, by behaving in an indecent manner, namely by being inside a bin containing the waste of children including soiled nappies and interacting with the soiled nappies in sight of the public
8 - Intentionally or recklessly causing a public nuisance between Oct 2022 and Nov 2023 “at South Tyneside, without reasonable excuse
9 - Continuously dumping adult human waste and at nursery premises and interfering with the contents of clinical waste bins containing faeces from children and babies
Tarling entered no pleas and was bailed with the same order issued at Nottinghamshire Magistrates’ Court (no details found); not to go within 10 metres of a nursery without reasonable excuse.
Denis Rice of South Tyneside Council described the case as ‘complicated’ and it was sent to Newcastle Crown Court, with his defence, Annalisa Moscardini, agreeing this was the necessary action.
Appearing at Newcastle Crown Court on 16th Jan 2024, Tarling pleaded not guilty to 7 charges with 2 charges, 1 count of dumping nappies and count 7 of ‘outraging public decency’, being omitted.
In his appearance at Newcastle Crown Court, Judge Stephen Earl asked if "Martin Tarling is now Abbi Taylor" and if his preferred pronouns were ‘she’ and ‘her’.
Defending lawyer, Nick Lane said: "She has formally and officially changed her identity." It is unknown as to whether Tarling has been issued a GRC or has changed his name and sex marker via other means.
A 5-day trial was scheduled at Newcastle Crown Court beginning 3rd March 2025, with pre-trial hearings in April 2024 and February 2025.
The trial has now been cancelled with only a sentencing date scheduled for 14th April 2025.
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Press coverage
Here are links to a selection of relevant press coverage about this case. These links are included without comment and are not endorsed by Tribunal Tweets. This is a sample of coverage only, with most recent first - it is not comprehensive. Please DM our main Twitter account to submit coverage from an established news outlet. Any paywalled article must be archived.
17th January 2024
Spiked - That nappy-obsessed weirdo is not a woman
Northern Echo - Defendant accused of dumping soiled adult nappies South Tyneside
IG - The accused is accused of dumping soiled nappies for adults in South Tyneside
16th Jan 2024
Shields Gazette - Trial set for defendant accused of dumping soiled adult nappies at South Tyneside nurseries
Pa media - Defendant denies soiled nappies charges
Evening Chronicle - South Shields woman pleads not guilty to depositing soiled adult nappies at three Tyneside nurseries
Sky News - Defendant denies dumping soiled adult nappies at children's nurseries
Sky News - Edited sky article now referring to Tarling as a 'transgender woman'
Sky News were forced to delete their tweet and add ‘transgender’ after it was community noted as inaccurate on Twitter/X
22 Dec 2023
Sunderland Global Media - Transgender woman accused of dumping soiled adult nappies at South Tyneside nurseries and smearing faeces on children’s milk bottles
Shields Gazette - Defendant accused of smearing human excrement on children’s milk bottles at a Jarrow nursery
20 Dec 2023
The Northern Echo - Defendant accused of dumping soiled adult nappies South Tyneside
ITVx - Defendant Abbi Taylor in court accused of dumping soiled adult nappies at South Tyneside nurseries
19 Dec 2023
Sunday World - 'COMPLICATED CASE' | Person accused of dumping soiled adult nappies at UK nurseries appears in court
Barking & Dagenham Post - Defendant accused of dumping soiled adult nappies at nurseries appears in court
Evening Standard - Defendant accused of dumping soiled adult nappies at nurseries appears in court
Trans Crime - Martin Tarling/Abbi Taylor