Natalie Bird v Liberal Democrat Party
Potential candidate banned by Liberal Democrats alleges discrimination on the basis of her gender critical beliefs
Current Status
Natalie Bird was awarded damages of £14,000 for injuries to feelings. She has also been awarded costs (amount yet to be determined based on detailed schedules of costs). The judge awarded costs to Ms Bird, less the amount raised via crowd funding. The cost award was reduced to 90% of costs (presumably net). The 10% reduction was ordered by the judge on the grounds of the claimant not responding substantively to offers from the respondent to settle and not actively seeking a resolution without litigation.
The Liberal Democrat party admitted Ms Bird’s claims just before the trial was due to begin in July 2024. The explanation from Liberal Democrat representation was that this was to save time and costs. A hearing for damages and costs took place on 16 & 17 December 2024. Judgment was reserved except for a limited costs order made to the respondents for the July hearing. Judgment will be handed down at a further hearing for costs likely to be in the first quarter of 2025.
The hearing for costs and damages dealt with three issues: 1) Ms Bird has made an application to increase the amount of potential damages beyond that originally claimed, 2) the amount of damages and 3) costs.
In late 2018, the Liberal Democrat party launched an investigation into Ms Bird regarding allegations of ‘transphobia’ for wearing a t.shirt with the definition of the word ‘woman’ printed on it at a party meeting.
Upon the outcome of the investigation in November 2019, Ms Bird was "barred from holding or standing for election to any party office for 10 years" because she was found to have "disseminat(ed transphobic material over a prolonged time".
Following the ban, Ms Bird was removed from her position of chairwoman at a society of ideas, Radical Association, voted down by the same Lib Dem members.
Ms Bird has appealed the findings of the investigation and has instructed lawyers to ascertain as to whether there have been breaches of the internal procedures of the party and also, whether there have been breaches of the Equality Act 2010 against her (and possibly other women in the party).
Live Tweeting sessions
Oral judgment & cost hearing - January 2025
8 January 2025, morning part one, morning part two.
Costs & damages hearing - December 2024
16 December 2024, morning part one, morning part two, afternoon
17 December 2024, morning session only
The hearing on 22 July 2024 was largely a rapid technical discussion between the judge and the barristers, everything hampered by some bundle issues (pagination, missing documents) that seem to impact the judge’s understanding of the case. Unusually, we added this tweet.
This statement appeared on the Liberal Democrat website with the appropriate date for the hearing but does not mention the plaintiff. It provides an explanation for the non-defence.
NB/C - Natalie Bird, claimant
LD/R - Lib Dems, respondent
W - Walker, barrister for claimant
EH - Elliot Hammer, solicitor for claimant
NR - Nathan Roberts, Matrix Chambers for the respondent
NA - Nigel Adams, solicitor for the respondent
J - Judge, Her Honour Judge Evans-Gordon
Press Coverage
Here are links to a selection of relevant press coverage about this case. These links are included without comment and are not endorsed by Tribunal Tweets. This is a sample of coverage only, with most recent first - it is not comprehensive. Please DM our main Twitter account to submit coverage from an established news outlet. Any paywalled article must be archived.
27 August 2024
The New European - Lib Dems throw in towel over costly T-shirt battle
27 July 2024
Telegraph - Lib Dems admit discriminating against gender-critical candidate
21 April 2023
[VIDEO] The new culture Forum - Lib dem candidate banned for 'Adult Human female' top is suing the party for discrimination
31 Jan 2022
The Critic - What’s so controversial about “woman — adult human female”?
12 June 2021
19 Oct 2018
The Times - Lib Dem trans activists ‘hounded’ abuse victim