Melanie Newman was a trainee police constable with the Metropolitan Police with gender critical beliefs. The Women’s Network of the Metropolitan Police shared a link to a live streamed seminar commemorating Transgender Day of Visibility on 31 March 2023 and encouraged attendance for "everyone regardless of background", saying the event was about "building bridges with communities where trust can be difficult to obtain" and that "there will be absolutely be something useful for everyone".
Ms Newman has alleged that the presenter delivered a politicised, one-sided view of a complex debate in which the views and arguments typically put forward by people with the protected characteristic of gender critical belief were demonised, and portrayed safety concerns about the presence of trans identified men in female-only spaces as irrational and in need of correction by trans allies including the police. A subsequent seminar in relation to Lesbian Visibility Week was alleged to contain similar content. Complaints and a formal grievance did not resolve Ms Newman’s complaint.
She is claiming for harassment and direct discrimination on the grounds of her gender critical beliefs.
A merits hearing is scheduled for 10 - 14 March 2025.
Request for Anonymity
10 March 2025, the first day of the merits hearing, was largely consumed by an applicartion from the Metropolitan Police (Respondents - R/s) for anonymity for a witness (Rule 49 order). The witness organised the the Trans Day of Visibility in 2023 (TDOV). The Claimant, Sex Matters and Tribunal Tweets all opposed that application. The application was unsuccessful. We do not yet have a copy of the written order but will post that when it is available.
Sex Matters made written submissions on the application - available here.
Live tweet threads
Monday 10th March morning - none available, closed hearing on anonymity.
Tuesday 11th March afternoon session - Part one only (morning session closed)
Relevant documents
Witness statement - Charlotte Cadden
MN/C = Melanie Newman, claimant
NC - Naomi Cunningham, barrister for claimant
MP/R - Metropolitan Police, respondents
AM - Aileen McColgan, KC, barrister for respondents
J - Employment Judge Morton
P1, P2 - M Marenda, G Mitchell panel members sitting with judge
CC - DCI Charlotte Cadden, now retired
Speakers at the Trans Day of Visibility event
EE - Eva Echo, speaker, male claiming female gender identity,
SA - Saba Ali
SC - Shea Coffey
SR - Steph Robinson, set up ‘trans police network’, male who claims female identity
KJK/PP - Kellie-Jay Keen AKA Posie Parker, women's rights campaigner
SFW - Standing For Women, Kellie-Jay Keen's organisation
JH - Jean Hatchet, gender critical feminist
JL - Dr. Julia Long, feminist
McB - Sarah McBride, US politician, male who claims female identity
JR - Jan Robinson, officer
TDC - Trainee detective constable
RWN - Women’s Network of Respondent
S - Superintendent
NPCC - National Police Chiefs Council
TDOV - Trans Day of Visibility
BCU - Borough Command Unit
PACE -Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
RLGBTN - Respondents LGBT network
DPS - Directorate of Professional Standards
LVW - Lesbian Visibility Week
TRA - Trans rights activist
GRC - Gender recognition certificate
GC - Gender critical
G/x - Grievance
WS - Witness Statement
MSP - Member of Scottish Parliament
EA2010 - Equality Act 2010
Press & Public Comment
11 March 2025
Sex Matters - Met Police tribunal anonymity bid rejected