Nursing and Midwifery council v Jaden Rachel Dios Hole
Fitness to practice Hearing for nurse accused of misconduct

Jaden Rachel Dios Hole is a mental health nurse accused of misconduct. Dios Hole is a trans identified man and the allegations took place in West Sussex, no further details are currently known. This is a fitness to practice hearing.
The case is listed from 1st to 5th July 2024 and is a virtual hearing.
SP - Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
NMC: Nursing & Midwifery Council
DH: Jaden Rachel Dios Hole, nurse alleged of misconduct
C or AO: April O'Meara, lay chair
P: Panel member, Des mcmorrow, registrant panel member & Geraldine O’hare, lay member
SA: Samantha Aguilera, Hearings coordinator
KH: Kenneth Hamer, independent legal assessor
SJ: Susan Jean, case presenter for NMC
HD: Khaled Hussain-Duprè, representing DH
Live tweeting sessions
Monday 1st July - Reading/deliberating day.
Tuesday 2nd July - RH counsel seeks to make an application for privacy and set out the reasons why in privacy. Media/Press made applications for open justice
Wednesday 3rd July - Not sitting
Thursday 4th July morning only - More on the application for privacy with further representations made by media/press & hearing goes into private