Una-Jane Winfield v Hammersmith & Fulham Council
London Borough resident is being prosecuted for displaying 'gender critical' posters on front door

Una-Jane Winfield, 68, has been ordered to remove materials she has displayed on her front door by the Hammersmith & Fulham council (HFC).
The display, which has been deemed "hate speech" by the council, includes material from organisations: Transgender Trend, Sex Matters, Women's Rights Network; and a poster titled “Ban on Conversion Therapy for Trans”, which includes a photo already in the public domain of a mastectomy.
After receiving complaints saying the display was 'transphobic' and 'graphic', the council, a Stonewall diversity champion, imposed a ‘community protection order’ (CPO) - an order made under civil law with criminal consequences for non-compliance, despite local police confirming no law has been broken.
Ms Winfield has refused to remove the display despite the council's repeated warnings and issue of a second CPO, and now faces prosecution and a £2,500 fine.
Council is using a civil law sledgehammer to try to silence me for my Gender Critical views

Sarah Vine KC, of Doughty Street Chambers, has agreed to represent Ms Winfield pro-bono. The first hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court on Wed 14th Feb 2024 was adjourned due to technical difficulties and rescheduled for 21st.
Next hearing will be 5th June 2024 at City of London Magistrates, with a substantive hearing scheduled for 22-24th Oct 2024
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12 Feb 2024
Free Speech Union - Pensioner threatened with £2,500 fine by local Council for “transphobic” gender critical posters on her OWN front door